Faction Bonus

Everyone knows that factions are the heart and soul of any MMO. Choosing to move your faction to another server can mean missing out on some major benefits.

Here's what you can look forward to by bringing your faction to play with us:

Faction Size​Member Bonus​Leader Bonus​

x200 Event Gold Auto-Recovery Stone (7d) 30x Guardian Scrolls 5x Ancient Gift

Additional: +2000 Event Gold 30x Faction Signet 30x Guardian Scrolls​

From 15 to 25 unique players*​

x300 Event Gold Auto-Recovery Stone (7d) Storm Teleport Stone (7d) 40x Guardian Scrolls x5 Ancient Gift

Additional: +3000 Event Gold 40x Faction Signet 40x Guardian Scrolls

From 25 - 35 unique players*

x380 Event Gold Auto-Recovery Stone (31d) Storm Teleport Stone (31d) 50x Guardian Scrolls 5x Ancient Gift

Additional: +4500 Event Gold 50x Faction Signet 50x Guardian Scrolls

Over 35+ unique players*​

x420 Event Gold Auto-Recovery Stone (31d) Storm Teleport Stone (31d) x50 Guardian Scrolls x5 Ancient Gift

Additional: +5000 Event Gold 100x Faction Signet 100x Guardian Scrolls

Faction Bonus Application Guidelines

We will only consider real people and unique IP addresses when approving applications. If multiple characters in the faction share the same IP address, only one will receive the bonus.

How to Apply for the Faction Bonus

To apply, create a ticket on our Discord server and provide the following information about your faction:

  • Faction Name:

  • Faction Leader's Nickname:

  • List of Faction Members (by name):

Conditions for Acceptance

  • Submit your application through the support channel on our Discord server by creating a ticket.

  • Level 65 and 135 Quests Completed for each member listed. If members do not quality, then they may be disqualified, or further time may be given to the leader.

  • All players listed in your application must already be members of the faction on our server at the time of submission.

  • Faction leaders can re-apply once a week for 5 or more new members. Only new members will be eligible for the bonus, and once the leader applies for a specific faction size, the leader will not be re-eligible for a higher level bonus.

  • Recruiting new members before submitting an application is not allowed.

  • If any members of your faction share the same IP address or device, make sure to mention this in your application.

  • Any attempts to cheat or manipulate the system will result in a permanent ban, including a device ban.

  • Expect to hear back from us within a week regarding approval or any additional questions.

Last updated