Server Boosting

Welcome to our Discord server! It's more than just a place to chat and get help from our staff—it's where our community comes together. Now, you can take an active role in making this space even better and enjoy some awesome benefits while doing so.

By using boosts on our server, you can unlock special features and perks that make our community more engaging and fun. Boosting not only supports us but also gives you cool rewards.

Here's what you get when you boost our server:

  • Exclusive Role Icon: Stand out with a unique icon next to your name.

  • Custom Name Color: Personalize your username with a color of your choice.

  • Private Giveaways: Gain access to exclusive giveaways just for boosters.

  • Higher Giveaway Odds: Increase your chances of winning in weekly giveaways.

We truly appreciate every boost and contribution to our community. Your support means the world to us and helps our community thrive.

Thank you for being a part of Perfect World Ember!

Last updated