🖤Launch Changes
KX9V-TYY6-PMVM-698G promo code which expires on 2024-08-15 23:34:24. it is per account, and this grants ancient gift. This is exclusively due to the launch of the server.
New genie UI to level it to max (You can insert max level or you can see how much XP/SP you need for the next desired level)
Larger quest tracker
Increased daily meridian to 200 and max number of meridian clicks to 400
Gear Swap is disabled for Helment, Necklance, Shoulder, Body, Waist, Legs and Foot.
10 Chi is given per second when meditating.
Boutique VIP depreciates at 1 point a day.
Refinement Notification occurs after 9 refines
Dungeon cooldown is 5 minutes and only works in main map, although this can be changed in the future.
Teleport Cooldown is 2 seconds
Makeover Scroll is 1 minute cooldown
Genie unbind is 1 minute
Skillsender enabled
Quests default is 40, expanded is 70
Silver coins are used throughout the game
Max level for Starchart is 50
Pickup all is available to use from the Action (same button as VIP3 Pick up all)
Auto Swap is within the Remote Shop in your Boutique and can be freely used throughout the game. It is instant and has no delay.
Remote Services (Bank, mail, shop, refinement, socket, imbue, purify, gold auction, swap coins with bank notes and vice versa, hatch and unhatch pets) can be used in all maps, including instances.
1v1 and 3v3 Arigora (this requires modification of rewards and limits on skills/pots which will occur after live)
Nation Wars is every Friday and Sunday, with 3 Nations at 20:20 Server time until 21:20, with it being 85k for Supply Tokens reward.
FC, TT, Thursday Night Tournaments, Arigora and NW are limited to 1 character per PC. TT Squad mode can be opened solo.
Faction Guilds are limited to 50, 80 and 100 (at Lv1, 2 and 3 respectively). TW Bidding occurs from 19:00 Wednesday until 19:00 Thursday, and battles occur on Saturday and Sunday.
Voting is in the panel. Every month, it'll be x2 for the first 3 days. as we launch, its enabled for the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. it is limited by ip/account. although if you use VPN to change your IP and account, it'll be fine to vote again as the system would register it
There is no email confirmation required when creating an account, or a limit to using the same email. (If the latter option is preferred, then you will need to remember your login)
Last updated