Ban Protocol

Last Updated: August 12, 2024

Read our Community Rules before reading here.

Ban Policy and Guidelines

General Ban Information

  • Your ban duration and situation may change depending on your attitude and ban history.

  • Administrators are not required to provide proof of your ban. Proofs are only shared when we want to protect the identity of the reporting player.

  • The reason for your ban is usually displayed when you try to log in via our Launcher.

  • Permanent bans may be escalated to HWID/IP Address bans rather than just an account ban.

  • Administrators are not obligated to inform you about the punishment of the reported player.

Trash Talking Policy

  • Trash Talking: We allow a certain level of trash talking. We won't mute you every time you swear or trash talk. If you're bothered by another player's messages, block them in-game or on Discord. We won't punish players simply because you chose not to block them. However, extensive trash talking, hate speech, or racism in global chat will not be tolerated, except for minor swear words. Severe cases will result in stricter punishments.

Punishment Guidelines

  • AFK Macro, Scripts, etc.:

    • 1st Offense: 3 Days Ban

    • 2nd Offense: 7 Days Ban

    • 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

  • Hate Speech, Racism, etc.:

    • 1st Offense: 7 Days Mute

    • 2nd Offense: 3 Days Ban

    • 3rd Offense: 14 Days Ban

    • 4th Offense: Permanent Ban

  • Spam Messages:

    • 1st Offense: 12 Hours Mute

    • 2nd Offense: 3 Days Mute

    • 3rd Offense: 7 Days Mute

    • 4th Offense: 30 Days Mute

    • 5th Offense: Permanent Mute

  • Sharing/Disclosing Real Life Information:

    • Permanent Ban

  • Exploits/Bug Abuse:

    • 1st Offense: 14 Days Ban (Removal of exploited items if applicable)

    • 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban

  • Real Money Trading:

    • Permanent Ban

  • Account Transactions or Attempted Transactions:

    • Permanent Ban

  • Disrespect/Insult/Threats to Staff:

    • Permanent Ban

  • Unauthorized Advertisement (excluding stream links):

    • Permanent Ban

  • Cheating:

    • Permanent Ban

  • Unauthorized Game File Changes:

    • Permanent Ban

  • Account Sharing:

    • 1st Offense: 7 Days Ban

    • 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban

  • Multiple Accounts:

    • Permanent Ban for alt accounts

    • Temporary Ban for main account (based on the account with the highest playtime)

Please follow these rules to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone in the community.

Last updated