Sunset Valley

Every Tuesday and Thursday at 19:00 - 20:00 pm Server Time.

To participate in this epic tank battle, players must be above LV100 and in possession of Cultivation level: Aware of the Myriad or Aware of the Void.

Five minutes before the event starts General Tigerheart will appear in All main cities. Speak to him and choose to enter: Sunset Valley

Once teleported to the event map, you will be assigned to 1 team.

Each team got different spawn points.

You choose between 3 different tanks, each with a totally different playstyle (each tank counters another)

Kill the enemy tanks (can tab in order to fast target) and score as high as possible

You receive credits for kills & assists.

Every 30 minutes you will be sent outside of the instance. Each instance has a maximum capacity of 100 players. You will be able to re-enter instantly and will be paired up with new players in another instance.


Gold Fusion Stone which can be crafted at General Tigerheart which can be exchanged for, Supply Tokens, Dustfall: Scuplt, or Event Gold 1-Pack

Last updated